Is PHP Dead? Why the PHP Programming Language Is Still Thriving in 2024

With the rapid evolution of programming languages and frameworks, it’s not uncommon to hear whispers questioning the relevance of older technologies. One language that frequently falls under this scrutiny is PHP. But the question remains: Is PHP dead? The answer is a resounding no—and here’s why the PHP programming language is not only alive but thriving in 2024.

The Enduring Popularity of PHP

Despite the emergence of new languages and frameworks, PHP remains a cornerstone of web development. According to the latest statistics from W3Techs, PHP is still used by nearly 77.4% of all websites whose server-side programming language is known. This includes a significant portion of the internet, from personal blogs to large-scale enterprise websites.

So, why does PHP continue to dominate?

Performance and Efficiency with PHP 8

One of the key reasons the PHP programming language is not dead is the substantial performance enhancements introduced with PHP 8. PHP 8 offers a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, which dramatically increases the execution speed of PHP scripts. This improvement makes PHP comparable to many of the newer programming languages that boast superior performance, ensuring that PHP remains a competitive option for developers focused on building fast, responsive web applications.

Rich Ecosystem and Robust Frameworks

The PHP programming language has a rich ecosystem of frameworks that enable developers to build powerful, scalable web applications quickly. Frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter provide a robust foundation for developing modern web applications with clean, maintainable code.

Laravel, in particular, has gained a massive following thanks to its elegant syntax, powerful tools, and extensive community support. The continuous evolution of these frameworks contributes to why the PHP programming language is not dead, but rather, flourishing.

Massive Community and Abundant Resources

Another reason why PHP continues to thrive is its massive community of developers. PHP has been around for decades, and over the years, it has amassed a vast and active community. This means that PHP developers have access to countless resources, tutorials, libraries, and frameworks that make development more efficient and enjoyable.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, you’ll find extensive documentation and a community ready to help with any PHP-related challenges. This community support is a key factor in why the PHP programming language is not dead.

Integration and Compatibility

PHP’s compatibility with various databases, web servers, and operating systems ensures its continued relevance in web development. The language integrates seamlessly with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and many other databases, making it a versatile choice for web applications that require dynamic content management.

Moreover, PHP works well with popular web servers like Apache and Nginx, further solidifying its place in the web development landscape. This integration capability is a significant reason why the PHP programming language is not dead and why it remains a go-to choice for many developers.

Real-World Usage: PHP in Action

One of the strongest arguments for why the PHP programming language is not dead is its continued use by some of the largest websites and companies in the world. Major platforms like WordPress, which powers over 40% of the web, rely on PHP for their core functionality. This widespread use in content management systems ensures PHP’s longevity.

In addition to WordPress, companies like Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, and Mailchimp also use PHP for various parts of their operations. This real-world application demonstrates that PHP remains a viable and powerful option for building robust, scalable web applications.

The Job Market: PHP Developers Are Still in Demand

Another important factor to consider is the job market for PHP developers. Despite the buzz around newer programming languages, PHP developers are still in high demand. Many companies continue to rely on PHP for maintaining and expanding their existing codebases, and as a result, they need skilled PHP developers.

The demand for PHP expertise, combined with the language’s ease of learning and extensive community resources, makes it a valuable skill for both new and seasoned developers. This demand is a clear indicator that the PHP programming language is not dead.

Continuous Innovation and Support

One reason why the PHP programming language is not dead is the continuous innovation and support it receives. The PHP development team regularly releases updates that enhance performance, add new features, and improve security. These updates ensure that PHP remains relevant and capable of meeting the needs of modern web development.

For example, PHP 8 introduced several new features, such as union types, named arguments, and attributes, which make the language more powerful and easier to use. These innovations demonstrate that PHP is actively evolving, which is why the PHP programming language is not dead but is instead growing stronger.

PHP and Modern Development Practices

The PHP programming language has also adapted to modern development practices, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and test-driven development (TDD). With PHP, developers can write clean, modular code that is easy to maintain and scale. PHP’s flexibility allows it to be used in various development environments, from traditional LAMP stacks to modern containerized deployments with Docker.

This adaptability ensures that PHP can meet the demands of contemporary web development, further proving why the PHP programming language is not dead.

The Future of PHP: What’s Next?

Looking forward, the PHP programming language is poised to continue its relevance in the world of web development. As new versions are released, PHP will likely see further improvements in performance, security, and usability. The active community and widespread usage of PHP ensure that it will remain a critical technology for years to come.

The future may bring new programming languages and frameworks, but PHP’s established presence, vast ecosystem, and continuous innovation guarantee that the PHP programming language is not dead—and it won’t be anytime soon.

Conclusion: The PHP Programming Language Is Here to Stay

To sum it up, the PHP programming language is not dead. Far from it. PHP remains a powerful, reliable, and widely-used language in web development. With its ongoing updates, robust frameworks, and extensive community support, PHP continues to be a critical tool in the developer’s toolkit.

So, the next time someone asks, “Is PHP dead?” you can confidently answer that the PHP programming language is very much alive and will continue to play a vital role in web development for the foreseeable future. Keep learning, keep building, and remember that PHP is here to stay.

29 comments On Is PHP Dead? Why the PHP Programming Language Is Still Thriving in 2024

  • Agreed. The fact that it HASN’T dropped more significantly with everything that’s come out should tell you how hard and slow it would be to get rid of PHP.

  • My two favorite teachers just above this comment ^,^
    Thanks for the reassuring post. I believe it is, somehow, a self sustaining myth.

  • Agree it is not going any where fast , but it is impossible to know what the future holds. I would say it is likely it has gone in 25 years though but so will most current languages and in fact probably there wont be a need for most programmers as AI will write what it needs itself!

    • Somebody has to program the machines since AI’s cannot think like we do they are limited on creativity that is required in programming. So even if they can program, they will lack the human emotions that create beautiful awesome things.

  • Really cool on the road with php

  • A good article @Edwin, I wonder what technologies did you have on your mind mentioning ‘super crazy technologies with hard learning curve’.

    • Hi Dan, I did not say super crazy technologies but I did say CRAZY long learning curve. I was referring to tools like Angular, programming languages like C, Java, Haskell, Scala Objective C, etc. For beginners these languages have a long learning curve; of course, I mean to become proficient on them.

      • Interesting. I wonder what do you think of javascript and Node, how hard is learning curve for them to be proficient. Also Vue has many advanced concepts that are not significantly easier to grasp than Angular


  • Thank you for your advice. I try to follow.

  • Nice article Edwin. Im just curious why wordpress is migrating to nodejs for their

  • Edwin,
    I’m currently taking one of your courses on Udemy. I really enjoy your lectures and laid back approach to teaching. Keep up the good work!


  • Hi am also called Edwin and you have really ignited my love to code again thank you
    am taking your course currently.

  • They just started a server-side web development course at the community college I attend, and it is ALL PHP. I am taking that course along with your Udemy course, and the Udemy course is my secret weapon!

  • They just started a server-side web development course at the community college I attend, and it is ALL PHP. I am taking that course along with your Udemy course, and your Udemy course is my secret weapon!

  • Hi Edwin I am one of your udemy students. Definitely a question thats been hotly debated all around the net. It did have me worried about am I wasting time learning php because it will become obsolete. During all my discussions online people are always dogging php. Its usually experienced guys my theory around this is that they feel a little insecure that there is this language out there that is pleasant to learn and can take away some scope of what they can do ( no offence to anybody ). Its actually a threat to them in a way. If php were dying and going away why would they waste so much time hating on it just let it die right. Anyway other languages are good, very strange thing php has helped me tremendously with my other languages like JavaScript before I just used jquery for everything. I think what you are saying about trends and the buzz is spot on. Really puts my mind at ease reading this. Thanks for sharing your knowledge here and on Udemy.

  • Language is a tool. Python has a great hype but there are domain where you Python false compare to Java or PHP.

  • Thank you, God bless you Edwin. You thought me a lot

  • ‘Alright, welcome back my dear student’, as You always say. Thanks Edwin Diaz. Your course was the best I took in Laravel, as a beginner. I wish you many more successful years ahead.

  • Edwin. I would like to take some of your courses but I am not sure if their contents is going to be truly accessible for a screen reading programs. As a blind computer user I was unable to go over your captcha challenge and had to get a sighted person to assist me with this. Do you provide any verbal explanation of things going on the screen during your tutorials? Let me know, please.

  • Hi Edwin thank you a lot I’m. Really enjoying your courses especially laraval and e-commerce and all others and I hope that you make a course about reactjs

  • Hi Mr. Edwin Diaz. I just bought your php online course but it doesn’t download anything. Can you help me to do download it please?
    Thank you

  • I just completed your HTML and CSS code on udemy and enjoyed a lot !! I got to learn many things!!! Thanks and I really hope to join your PHP program soon!!! Keep going. Good luck

  • Sohanur Rahman Sohan

    Hello, Edwin Sir !
    I agree with you.

  • sir i just started to learn php and i am very excited that soon i can also build my own website . and thank you for your awesome content on udemy . your teaching style is just awesome .

  • Hi Edwin,
    Really enjoy your courses on Udemy. Love PHP. I too have worried about people saying it was on its way out. Thanks very much for this article.
    Have also tried to learn Python. I found it much more difficult. Particularly when it gets into all the model, view stuff, I also find some of the data structures difficult.
    I read from this article that you code in Python. How about a Python course then?
    I would definitely sign up for one if it was available.

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