1. Install React using Create React App (Beginner-friendly setup)
npx create-react-app my-app
2. Install React using Vite (Modern, fast build tool)
npm create vite@latest my-app --template react
3. Install React with Vite and TypeScript template
npm create vite@latest my-app --template react-ts
4. Install React using Next.js (For SSR and advanced projects)
npx create-next-app@latest my-app
5. Install React manually (Full control over the setup)
npm init -y
npm install react react-dom
6. Install React Native (For mobile app development)
npx react-native init MyApp
7. Install React Native using Expo (Easiest way for mobile apps)
npx create-expo-app my-app
8. Install React using a CDN (Quick prototyping, no build tools needed) Add React and ReactDOM script tags directly in an HTML file from
9. Install React with PNPM and Vite
pnpm create vite my-app --template react
10. Install React with Yarn and Next.js
yarn create next-app my-app